Expert Advice Q&A – Are my skin care products safe?

Check out my expert advice Q&A every second and fourth Tuesday in the Auburn Journal.

Q: Are my skin care products safe?

A: Beauty is way more than skin deep.  Our skin is one of the largest organs of the body second to the liver, and what we put ON our body is, in fact, just as important as what we put IN our body. Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, cosmetics and ingredients do not require FDA approval before they go on the market. Most commercial cosmetics, soaps, lotions, deodorants, perfumes, colognes, and sunscreens are loaded with chemicals and heavy metals.  Many of the ingredients found in commonly used products are known carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and hormone disruptors that can contribute to many common health issues. Knowledge is powerful!  There are safe alternatives out there.  Now that you know! Come visit my website for links and resources for safe alternatives, or even better, come on in for your FREE 15 minute consultation and see how Dr. Danni can help support you on your way to optimal health.

Skin Care

