Expert Advice Q&A – How can I make healthy choices when eating out?

Check out my expert advice Q&A every second and fourth Tuesday in the Auburn Journal.

Q: How can I make healthy choices when eating out?

A:  It is all about making the right choices.  The first rule is to honor your food sensitivities or dietary restrictions.  Do not be shy to ask questions about how the food is prepared:  does it contain gluten, soy, corn, dairy, tree nuts, eggs, or whatever it is that you are trying to avoid. Next, ask very nicely for substitutions; like having your burger served on a bed of greens, or substituting potatoes or French fries with steamed veggies or salad.  Ask to have salad dressings, butter, gravy, and sour cream on the side so you can control how much you consume.  Choose grilled, sautéed, or poached meats and veggies over their battered or fried versions. Watch your portions, you do not have to clear your whole plate.   Eating slowly and chewing our food thoroughly allows your brain to receive signals that you are, indeed, full so stop eating! Whenever possible choose organic, free range, hormone free, antibiotic free foods. For more healthy tips and resources visit my webpage, or even better come on in for your FREE 15 minute coordination consultation and learn how Dr. Danni can help you advance to better health.
